New dynamics in citizen re-appropriation strategies of collective urban spaces. Case of Madrid.


  • Juan Arana Universidad CEU San Pablo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



reappropriation, collective space, urban activism


Citizen engagement in re-appropriation of collective spaces has long meant utopian spaces of resistance, a refuge, an autonomous community working aside of the system. This vision is being revised. The aim of this study is to examine the effects on the urban space of the changes in the way stakeholders’ relations are stablished in these initiatives.

We examine two very different recent projects in the periphery of the city of Madrid belonging to a new generation of co-produced spaces. There is a vertical dimension of relationships between administration, citizens and experts and there is the question of what effects these initiatives have on the neighbourhood. The study goes through the background social movements and the administration programs that compose the puzzle of today´s activism. We find a dense heterogeneous spatial network working together and producing collective space. Notwithstanding the contradictions that emerge during the process, the moment is one of transition with both hope and uncertainties

Author Biography

Juan Arana, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Juan Arana is an architect and lecturer in Urban Design at CEU University in Madrid and Phd candidate  at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.  His current research deals with the impact of re-appropriation of collective space from the viewpoint of social cohesion, culture and urban space. 


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How to Cite

Arana, J. (2018). New dynamics in citizen re-appropriation strategies of collective urban spaces. Case of Madrid. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 2(4).