Int ’o’ Rion. Reflections from fieldwork on the ethics of urban representation


  • Roberta Pacelli University Federico II Naples



Naples, peripheries, urban marginalities, representations


This paper discusses both the mediatic and filmic representations of Rione Traiano (Naples) which emerged after the violent death of the youngster Davide Bifolco. According to such aims, an analysis of audio-visual products specifically related with the death of the youngster as well as an analysis of Selfie ‒ a documentary by Agostino Ferrente (2019) ‒ is proposed. This audio-visual material would be tensioned with archival and field research documents collected by the author between 2016 and 2018. In such a way, bodily material elements that are beyond both representation and self-representation of the inhabitants of Rione Traiano are highlighted. The implications of different choices for knowing and representing urban marginal territories will be discussed in the conclusion.


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How to Cite

Pacelli, R. (2022). Int ’o’ Rion. Reflections from fieldwork on the ethics of urban representation. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 7(11).