Rendering Aurora. Analysis of an urban regeneration process in Turin between the real and the virtual


  • Michela Voglino Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca



Computer Generate Images, urban transformation, gentrification


Computer generated images (CGIs) are nowadays the main tool for communicating architectural projects: digitally produced in a photorealistic style, they depict both the spaces to be built and the people who will inhabit them. Far from being simple atmospheric visualisations, CGIs are subliminal images that are often sold on the real estate market and flaunted by media and public actors to legitimise urban planning policies. This paper therefore aims to investigate the influence that renderings can have on urban regeneration processes, investigating the case-study of Aurora, a multiethnic and stigmatised neighbourhood in Turin. Here, real estate developers build and market a different, exclusive and exclusionary, image of the present social reality. The iconographic analysis of these renderings then leads us to reflect, in a climate of consensual urban planning, on the management of urban processes by the public sector.

Author Biography

Michela Voglino, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

Michela Voglino è dottoranda in Studi Urbani-URBEUR presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca. I suoi interessi di ricerca vertono sul rapporto tra estetica, politica e capitalismo principalmente in relazione a governi urbani, processi di rigenerazione e quartieri stigmatizzati.


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Camplus Regio Parco: Cohousing Buscalioni:

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Rendering of Verona37 by MRA Studio



How to Cite

Voglino, M. (2022). Rendering Aurora. Analysis of an urban regeneration process in Turin between the real and the virtual. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 7(11).