Venice is not a bias. Observations on the fusion of real and imaginary in a hyper-city


  • Elia Romanelli



Venice, documentary, turism, gentrification


This article traces the different theoretical nodes that are at the basis of a research that started in 2016 and concluded in 2021 with the making of the documentary Venice Elsewhere, which seeks to investigate the chronic illness of a city. A population that in the historic centre, to date, is about to fall below the threshold of 50,000 residents, with a tourist flow that is calculated in tens of millions of presences per year, and a surface area of 8.3 square kilometres that assertively responds to a market that has one single demand: to watch. A hyper-exposure that over the decades has led to a paradox: the boundaries of the city, as in an overexposed photo, are becoming blurred, caught between an emptying of identity and an increasingly widespread desire to imitate its forms, or just to use its name, elsewhere in the world. In my work I wanted to meet those who evoked Venice without ever having been there, but feeling it to be their own.


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How to Cite

Romanelli, E. (2022). Venice is not a bias. Observations on the fusion of real and imaginary in a hyper-city. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 7(11).