Transcending Frontiers through a Valorisation of Emotions: Affective Multimodalities as Co-Authored Films
Multimodal Anthropology, migration, Affective Multimodalities in collaborative researchAbstract
Knowledge rooted in the suffering of the unfortunate flows from the margins to the centre where fortunate job holders are located. Such knowledge is then converted into data sets to be held captive as institutional intellectual property. This results in the reproduction of unfair theory cut off from its empirical origins. By going against the emotionally distanced ways of disseminating research and by posing the attention to the relational aspects of multimodality, and to the ethics of participation and collaboration, we look into the various ways of how we, as anthropologists, affectively engage in co-creating new narratives. Applying the methodology of affective multimodalities proposed by one of the co-authors (Tibet and Deeq, 2022), we highlight how the valorisation of emotions can drive and shape representations of people. We show how emotions can contribute to the transcending of frontiers within the making of more righteous anthropologies through co-authored films.
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