Shelter out-of-place. The impermanence of living as an opportunity for urban rewriting




Migrations and uncertain lives, impermanence of living, heterotopias of what is possible


Contemporary cities are facing challenges and reacting to growing environmental and economic stresses, due to an unusual social nomadism. On one hand, we are facing a growing abandonment with the consequent closure of certain places, not only of production. On the other, the global migration phenomenon caused has obvious impacts on a local scale, generating microcosms of community in certain city interstices.

The paper proposes ways to set working strategies related to the transitional housing emergency, and to relate them to urban regeneration processes capable of responding to heterogeneous needs. Integrating housing policies and neighbourhood services by supporting bottom-up initiatives can encourage greater sharing between the actors involved, favouring the stable integration of people in transit, engaging at the same time a reality apparently reluctant to shelter public opinion.

Author Biography

Irene Peron, Università degli Studi di Brescia




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The Grand Hotel Cosmopolis, Augusta, Germany



How to Cite

Angi, B., & Peron, I. (2022). Shelter out-of-place. The impermanence of living as an opportunity for urban rewriting. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 8(12).