Practising the infra-ordinary. Cultivating possible spaces between settlements, play, care and re-significations: a collective (self)portrait


  • Letizia Montalbano Ass. Il Giardino del Guasto-Bologna



community gardens, playgrounds, commons


«What happens every day[...], how to account for it, how to question it, how to describe it?» George Perec in L’Infraordinaire poses a question that many placemakers share since the place they care for is often marked by temporality and spontaneity. Welcoming, flexible and accessible spaces where living practices can germinate, are effective in building shared communities. It is not easy to convey their meaning, to communicate the meaning of the experiences that make up their warp. Even the most comprehensive of lists of activities, results, intentions and programmatic documents does not tell what makes a project specific and special; however, it can be useful to reconstruct the path through which it took shape and evolved. Through a collective (self-)portrait I will highlight, also in relation to authors who have contributed to innervating memory and imagination, some essential junctures of the Guasto Garden, an emblematic historical place in the center of Bologna.


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 © 1972, Archivio Petra Filippini



How to Cite

Montalbano, L. (2022). Practising the infra-ordinary. Cultivating possible spaces between settlements, play, care and re-significations: a collective (self)portrait. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 8(12).