The La Clef cinema between self-organization and institutionalization in the Parisian cultural milieu


  • Barbara Russo Università degli studi di Milano
  • Marguerite Foucher Université de Paris Ouest La Défence



associative cinema, militantism, institutionalisation


The Parisian cinema La Clef was occupied to avoid its closure in September 2019. Since then, it has been portrayed as the last associative cinema in the city. This text traces its genesis and the specific practices of occupation. In particular, we will focus on the event of the eviction, which occurred during our field research period, observing the evolution of the rhetoric and practices used, from militant to entrepreneurial, from an independent posture to a search for legitimacy and recognition. The acquisition project of the historical site marks the transition from the sphere of informality to the institutional one and reveals the link between the valorisation of urban spaces, participatory and alternative art and institutions. The text explores this relationship starting with the case study of the Clef, but relates it more generally to other art experiences of the city of Paris.


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Photos of the historic La Clef Cinema venue



How to Cite

Russo, B., & Foucher, M. (2023). The La Clef cinema between self-organization and institutionalization in the Parisian cultural milieu. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 9(13).