From self-recovery to new forms of bottom-up regeneration of disused public buildings: the case of the Porto Fluviale occupation


  • Maria Rocco Dipartimento di Architettura - Università degli Studi Roma Tre
  • Emanuela Di Felice Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso in Cile (PUVC)



housing squat, bottom-up urban regeneration, housing policies


The occupation of abandoned buildings in Rome has been a practice the Movements for housing struggles have been carrying out since the 1970s, highlighting a chronic situation of inadequacy of housing, social and welfare policies in the city. The Regional Law on self-recovery was born out of this drive towards reuse, establishing some avant-garde principles about territorial transformation, social and environmental sustainability. Drawing on these experiences, the housing occupation of Porto Fluviale is facing the challenge of transformation, with the Porto Fluviale RecHouse project, accompanied by an action-research group from the Department of Architecture of the Roma Tre University. This shared project aims to facilitate the transition from informality to a context of certainty and quality of dwelling, through an innovative and contested process of formalization of self-organized dwelling and socio-cultural spaces, which can potentially be extended to other contexts.


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Sensory and Symbolic Plant developed during the workshop international SummerLab 2012 in collaboration with University College of London. Photograph by Maria Rocco.



How to Cite

Rocco, M., & Di Felice, E. (2023). From self-recovery to new forms of bottom-up regeneration of disused public buildings: the case of the Porto Fluviale occupation. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 9(13).