Traumatic events and transformations: processes of social reconstruction in the 'flood valley'




climate crisis, flood, Apennine


In May 2023, Emilia-Romagna was devastated by two catastrophic floods. Luminasio (a hamlet of Marzabotto) was split in two by a landslide that isolated several villages and dozens of inhabitants for weeks. While the focus was on the flooded plain, in the Apennines the territory showed all its fragility, raising an urgent question: to live in the mountains and their criticality, or to evacuate to the city?

During the summer, traces of urban relationships began to mark out paths of social reconstruction between these ridges. What we are studying is a process in the making. A (re)thinking of the relationship between city and mountain; a non-linear path that runs along the ridges between an "act of respectable witness" and a concrete and rooted planning. With this article we want to take a closer look at the processes that are activated in the hamlet of Luminasio, highlighting their metropolitan relations and their capacity to redefine the forms of the urban.


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Luminasio, 17 settembre 2023. Foto di Margherita Caprilli.



How to Cite

Palma, M., Cuppini, N., Cattabriga, G., Miccolis, S., Santese, A., & Caprilli, M. (2024). Traumatic events and transformations: processes of social reconstruction in the ’flood valley’. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 11(15).