Residential Multilocality. Youth and Daily Life Between Inner Areas and Urban Spaces


  • Vincenzo Carbone
  • Mirco Di Sandro



residential multilocality;, inner areas, youth condition


The contribution analyses the forms of youth residential multilocality, the act of regularly staying between two or more habitations. It interweaves the perspective of residential multilocality studies with the domain of youth studies to interpret the experiences and mobility perspectives of young people who move frequently, for study or work, between an inner and an urban area. Starting from elements of reflection and field evidence on an inner area of Molise, it discusses the main typological models of multilocality, constructing a classification for interpreting the new youth movements in the differential systems of access to resources (constraints and opportunities) that preside over biographical constructions and transitions to adulthood. It arrives at the recognition of new subjects that are differently and paradigmatically mobile and conceives of territorial imbalances, not in polarising terms, but as interconnections between interior and urban.


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How to Cite

Carbone, V., & Di Sandro, M. (2024). Residential Multilocality. Youth and Daily Life Between Inner Areas and Urban Spaces . Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 11(15).