Precarious living at the margins. Limits and ruptures in making the territory


  • Giovanna Astolfo
  • Camillo Boano
  • Belen Desmaison



urban margin, displacement, precarity


Starting from marginal housing practices, this article explores the link between interdependence (understood as dependence on others for survival) and the struggle for survival. The text aims to understand how these two aspects are intertwined with different forms of precarity. In marginal contexts, some bodies are particularly vulnerable and exposed to precarious conditions as a result of conflicts, colonialism and displacement. The article investigates the different practices and creative forces that emerge in marginal contexts. Here, survival is not the only goal; rather, it is a state of the existence itself and it coexists with other preoccupations. The paper puts in conversation three spatial narratives, where the margin is historical, geographical, discursive and urban. The three stories, emerged directly from the authors' grounded research, are set respectively in the Perùvian rainforest, in the Beqaa Valley in Lebanon and on the outskirts of Yangon, Burma.


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How to Cite

Astolfo, G., Boano, C., & Desmaison, B. (2024). Precarious living at the margins. Limits and ruptures in making the territory. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 11(15).