Imagined ruralities. The contemporary Tuscan countryside between globalization, gentrification and commodification




countryside, gentrification, globalization


The Tuscan countryside has been affected by major social and territorial transformations for decades. With the end of sharecropping, rural landscapes experienced depopulation and the consequent renaturalization of once cultivated areas; since the 1960s they have been traversed and re-inhabited by new residents, tourists, intellectuals, entrepreneurs and foreign workers, many of them from the cities. In this essay we will present and discuss these changes and the historical, cultural and social processes that have determined them, bringing the Chianti area as a case study and using categories and theories from urban studies to rethink the urban/rural relationship and elaborate new interpretations of the anthropized environment.


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Concert in the vineyards of Borgo San Felice (Castelnuovo Berardenga)



How to Cite

Meloni, P., & Lusini, V. (2024). Imagined ruralities. The contemporary Tuscan countryside between globalization, gentrification and commodification: . Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 11(15).