From train to valley metro. Railway lines of the Roya Valley in the construction of the metromountain


  • Gabriele Salvia
  • Marion Serre



action research, low transit train, metromountain


This article is based on a two-year action research experience focused on the representations, uses, and future prospects of the Roya Valley railway line, particularly in the context of the devastation caused by Storm Alex in October 2020. During the reconstruction process, the railway assumed a central role, acting as a catalyst for local initiatives and as a key element of a network of infrastructures and services for the city and the valley. Observing the territory through the lens of infrastructure will therefore allow us to understand the changing dynamics between urban areas and the valley and to highlight the different scales at which it is inhabited. Furthermore, it will enable us to develop a strategic vision of development based on the idea of reciprocity in the relationship between metropolises and mountain areas (Dematteis, 2012), proposing new socio-territorial frameworks as alternatives to the monoculture of tourism (Agostini et al., 2022). This perspective aims to overcome the dialectical oppositions between metropolises and rural areas, between dominance and dependence, centrality and marginality, and emphasizes the potential of existing infrastructure networks to reformulate narratives and rearticulate relationships between the city and the mountain.


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The Nice - Cuneo railway line in the Roya Valley ©Yann Aubry



How to Cite

Salvia, G., & Serre, M. (2024). From train to valley metro. Railway lines of the Roya Valley in the construction of the metromountain . Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 11(15).