Ruining urbanization. New Forms of Urban Life Production through the Recolonization of Castel Volturno's Ruins


  • Sofia Moriconi
  • Veronica Orlando
  • Daniela De Michele



ruining urbanization, welfare, waste


Castel Volturno, a coastal town near Naples, reflects changes in urban spatial production within the neoliberal context. Dispossessed communities have established mobility sistems, recycling economies, and low-cost precarious labour, making it an essential hub for Naples and Caserta. Castel Volturno proposes a spatial production where life reclaims ruins, generating new infrastructural and cultural meanings, challenging the conventional capitalist expansion. Welfare and humanitarian networks play a crucial role in the absence of formal institutions. This analysis views ruins as integral to the city's production process, exploring the generative possibilities of ruination through an empirical and ethnographic lens.


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How to Cite

Moriconi, S., Orlando, V., & De Michele, D. (2024). Ruining urbanization. New Forms of Urban Life Production through the Recolonization of Castel Volturno’s Ruins. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 11(15).