Deconstructing imaginaries: the pandemic disaster beyond the centre-periphery dichotomy


  • Alexandra D'Angelo
  • Paolo Castelli



Extended urbanisation, Bergamo, Covid-19


Urban studies agree that current urbanization processes intertwine complex scales that are no longer confined to geographically delimited spatial units and extend the urban fabric beyond the traditional centre-periphery dichotomy. In Lombardy, this urban extension takes on a peculiar polycentric form defined by the multiple and dense relationships linking urban centres of different sizes with peripheral territories. This paper aims to contribute to the debate by analysing the case study of COVID-19 spread in the province of Bergamo during the first pandemic wave, combining theoretical frameworks of urban sociology, territorial studies, and contemporary political ecology. The mechanisms that operated in the spread of the virus will provide an empirical case study through which to reconstruct urban fabric based on the relational, economic, and social flows that traverse it, flows that have been the primary vehicles for virus transmission and have highlighted new spaces of urban vulnerability.


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How to Cite

D'Angelo, A., & Castelli, P. (2024). Deconstructing imaginaries: the pandemic disaster beyond the centre-periphery dichotomy. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 11(15).