A cultural-led development experience. The Abitare Connessioni festival


  • Nicolò Fenu
  • Enrica Puggiorni




cultural-led development, abitare connessioni, inner areas


Cultural-led development policies and strategies are becoming increasingly important in promoting sustainable development in rural and marginal areas. The Abitare Connessioni festival serves as a case study, providing a platform for the experimentation of artistic and cultural practices and offering a cue to assess the impact and importance of culture in regenerating the territorial fabric. This research examines the opportunities and limitations of regeneration processes primarily aimed at restoring recognition and legitimacy to communities and territories, highlighting the role these communities assume in governance.

Author Biography

Enrica Puggiorni




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OraniLab, Workshop di autocostruzione a cura del DICAAR. Orani, 2-7 Agosto 2021. Foto di Cédric Dasesson.



How to Cite

Fenu, N., & Puggiorni, E. (2024). A cultural-led development experience. The Abitare Connessioni festival. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 11(15). https://doi.org/10.13133/2532-6562/18678