Investigating intermediate spaces between institutions and bottom-up organisations situating in the middle: reflections from the field


  • Naomi Pedri Stocco



co-production, institutional ethnography, agencement


Looking at hybrid cultural spaces as intermediate spaces of interaction between institutional mechanisms and bottom-up practices, and by framing co-production as a situated relational process that evolves over time, this contribution proposes a methodological reflection on how intermediate spaces can be investigated, and on the positioning and role of the researcher in this field of relations between public institutions and bottom-up organisations. The methodological framework developed draws on different approaches from an interdisciplinary perspective. The institutional ethnography approach, rooted in sociological feminist scholarship, and the critical lenses offered by practice-based organization studies are investigated and situated in the field context of a doctoral research in progress in the Apulia Region within “Luoghi Comuni” policy.


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How to Cite

Pedri Stocco, N. (2024). Investigating intermediate spaces between institutions and bottom-up organisations situating in the middle: reflections from the field. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 12(16), 129–150.