Between the possible and the impossible: a critical reflection on co-productive processes of a transformative nature
coproduction, learning, democracyAbstract
The paper discusses transformative coproduction processes, focusing on the BiodiverCities project, an initiative promoted by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission that involved ten European cities, including Regalbuto, a small town in inland Sicily. Methodologically following John Forester’s proposal, the contribution offers a critical ‘eight-handed’ reflection based on the practice stories of the authors involved in the process from different positions (institutional, technical, and civic). The article investigates the possibility that the learning triggered in coproduction interaction fields can become an enabling mechanism for transformative processes, implementing permanent devices capable of significantly transforming both the territory in which they operate and the actors involved. The article concludes by proposing the creation of permanent democratic infrastructures capable of integrating technical, intellectual, and social knowledge, promoting a deep problematization of collective needs and a new more future-oriented vision of democracy.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Medea Ferrigno, Venera Pavone, Anna Paola Quaglia, David Mascali
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