Anthropology and institutions. Theoretical lines, methodological perspectives, interpretive paradigms. A proposal


  • Enzo



anthropology of institutions, cognitive and emotional schemas, behavioral coding


The work, after having carried out some conceptual clarifications on the concept of institution and highlighted the ambiguity in the social uses that have become widespread, examines some contributions which, starting from Lewis Henry Morgan and Edward B. Tylor, have defined a path of well-defined studies that have recently been enriched by the approaches of Douglas, Descola, Bourdieu, etc. The essay is aimed at showing the relevance of an extensive definition of the anthropology of institutions, not restricted to modern Western societies, which, starting from important concepts such as habitus, schema, codifications, models, sheds light on the codification of actions, thoughts, emotions and values, towards which institutionalization processes (formal and informal) tend.


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How to Cite

Enzo. (2024). Anthropology and institutions. Theoretical lines, methodological perspectives, interpretive paradigms. A proposal. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 12(16), 110–127.