About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Mediascapes Journal is an open access online journal published twice a year by Sapienza University committed to the advancement of media studies.

Born in 2013, the journal is a forward-thinking forum that explores communication and mass communication phenomena within a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. It emphasizes the publication of original investigations that increase theoretical and empirical advancements in fields of media studies.

Mediascapes Journal has two sections: a monographic and a miscellaneous section. The call for papers for the miscellaneous section is always open. All articles are double blind-refereed.

Mediascapes Journal accepts contributions in Italian and English.

Peer Review Process

Mediascapes Journal operates a strictly anonymous double peer review process. For the purposes of blind refeering, the full name of each author should not be included in the manuscript itself.

The editors will assess whether the submission is eligible for review. Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of New Media & Society will be reviewed. After this formal assessment, if positive, the submission will be sent to two external referees. Both the referees and the authors are kept anonymous. To ensure timely publication, referees are asked to complete their reviews within one month.

After collecting the referees' reports, the Editorial Board will decide whether the manuscript is accepted (with minor or no changes), needs to be revised and resubmitted, or is to be rejected.

Publication Frequency

The journal is biannual.

Open Access Policy

Mediascapes Journal is an open access journal offering free and immediate online access to all articles published. Open Access enables authors to obtain the maximum possible exposure for their work. Freely available papers are read more, cited more, and have more impact than ones available only to paid subscribers. We hope that this will lead the profession to a new norm in which all research is freely available.

Articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License to support maximum dissemination and use. Authors are also permitted to post the final, published PDF of their article on a website, institutional repository or other free public server, immediately on publication.

Journal History

Mediascapes Journal, the first journal committed to the media studies in Italy, was created in 2013. The making of the journal was notably promoted by Alberto Abruzzese (IULM Università di Milano) who took over the Editor role during a three-year term (2013-2015), publishing the first four issues (all of which are currently available in the Archives section of this website).

On January 2015 Giovanni Boccia Artieri (Università di Urbino Carlo Bo) was appointed new Editor of Mediascapes Journal supported by a new Executive Board and a renewed international Scientific Committee.