A World Beyond Facebook: Alternatives in Social Media. The Research Agenda of the Unlike us Network


  • Geert Lovink


Whether or not we are in the midst of yet another internet bubble, we can all agree that social media dominate the use of internet and smart phones. The emergence of apps and web-based user to user services, driven by an explosion of informal dialogues, continuous uploads and user-generated content have greatly empowered the rise of 'participatory culture'. At the same time, monopoly power, commercialization and commodification are on the rise as well with just a handful of social media platforms dominating the social web. Tension are on the rise what to make of the influence and impact of 'social media'...

How to Cite

Lovink, G. (2013). A World Beyond Facebook: Alternatives in Social Media. The Research Agenda of the Unlike us Network. Mediascapes Journal, (1), 58–64. Retrieved from https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/mediascapes/article/view/10256


