Pursuing a Gender Non-conforming “Hellscape:” Investigating Nonbinary User and Fan Practices on Tumblr


  • Arianna Bussoletti


social media, nonbinary identities, Tumblr, platform vernalculars, affordances


The article contributes to budding research on nonbinary individuals by analyzing nonbinary people’s practices as social media users and fans on Tumblr. Drawing from literature on nonbinary identities, gender performativity, platform vernaculars, and Tumblr it analyzes semi-structured interviews to Tumblr members of a particular group, the Houseki no Kuni (HnK) fandom. The findings highlight how nonbinary fans of HnK utilize Tumblr’s vernacular and affordances to manage a safe(r) space where to express what they perceive as their true selves (RQ1), while using fandom discussions to validate and narrate their identity as nonbinary individuals (RQ2) towards the creation of more accepting futures.

Author Biography

Arianna Bussoletti

Arianna Bussoletti is a PhD student in “Social Research, Communication, and Marketing” at the Department of Communication and Social Research of University of Roma La Sapienza. She investigates the interplay between digital media usages and identity practices, with a focus on youth activism and the LGBTQ+ community. She participated in the Italian team for the 2020 Global Media Monitoring Project, collaborated with the Italian research unit of “Tipping+” (a European Research and Innovation action funded under H2020-EU.3.3.6.), and was panelist at 2021 “Visions of Change” ICA Preconference. She is involved in ongoing research on FridaysForFuture activism, youth social media challenges, and vaccine narratives on TikTok.




How to Cite

Bussoletti, A. (2021). Pursuing a Gender Non-conforming “Hellscape:” Investigating Nonbinary User and Fan Practices on Tumblr. Mediascapes Journal, (18), 43–53. Retrieved from https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/mediascapes/article/view/17726