Charles Bukowski sui Social Media

Citazioni e reazioni


  • Luca Martignani Università di Bologna


Bukowski, Quotes, Social Media, Literature, Text


This essay focuses on the reactions to the circulation of aphorisms and quotes from Charles Bukowski’s work available on social media. The detractors of this trend consider themselves admirers of the novelist and essentially object that those who improperly post his sentences are people who misunderstand his poetics and anti-romantic spirit. The article reports and comments some of these reactions and analyzes the text. A central thesis of the essay maintains that the critical approach of these reactions undoubtedly captures elements of truth if traced back to the poetics of the writer, but it does not capture a fundamental point: quotes and aphorisms, that circulate on social media, are specific media themselves and they lend to citation in a peculiar way. Tracing the habit of quoting an iconic character of literature to the spirit that accompanies and marks the totality of his production is misleading, because it does not allow us to understand that whoever uses the quotation in turn behaves like a producer of images and captions, and therefore like an author. The fact that the author of the quote makes it on social media shows a tendency not necessarily connected with the totality of the author’s production and experience but with the individual sentences considered fragments adequate to describe personal experiences.

Author Biography

Luca Martignani, Università di Bologna

Luca Martignani è professore associato di sociologia generale presso l’Università di Bologna. Si occupa di teoria sociologica, e della relazione tra rappresentazione (fiction, cinema e letteratura contemporanea) e realtà sociale. È stato Visiting Researcher all’IDHEAP (Institut des Hautes Etudes en Administration Publique) presso l’Università di Losanna, al CERLIS (Centre de Recherche sur les Liens Sociaux) presso l’Università di Parigi Descartes/CNRS e al CRAL (Centre de Recherche sur les Arts et le Langage) presso l'EHESS di Parigi. Tra le più recenti pubblicazioni: Estetica sovversiva. Sulla rappresentazione e gli oggetti culturali (Ombre corte, Verona 2022); Anatomia di un trauma culturale. Emmanuel Carrère corrispondente dal processo Bataclan, (con Guizzardi, L.) Im@go, 2023; Ho le mani legate! Misure disciplinari e funzionari di polizia nel cinema e nelle serie TV italiane, Sociologia del diritto, 2024.



How to Cite

Martignani, L. (2024). Charles Bukowski sui Social Media: Citazioni e reazioni. Mediascapes Journal, 23(1), 199–216. Retrieved from