Politics and Social Media: A Cross-Platform Analysis of Right Populist Leaders Communication in Italy

A comparative analysis of social media campaigning by Italian populist radical right leaders


  • Enzo Loner Università degli Studi di Trento
  • Alberta Giorgi Università di Bergamo
  • Carlo Berti Universitat Rovira i Virgili


political communication, populism, social media, Italy


Research shows that social media favors personalized, intimate, and emotional political communication and underlines the elective affinity between social media and populist leaders. However, cross-platform research on political communication is still rare. Existing studies focus on three aspects: how party strategists or politicians assess the relative importance of different social media platforms based on their affordances; the parties’ and politicians’ different investments on the various platforms and audience engagement; and message-tailoring on specific social media platforms. In this paper, we aim to compare the political communication of two right-wing populist party leaders in Italy, Giorgia Meloni (FdI) and Matteo Salvini (Lega), between 2021 and 2022 on three social media platforms: Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The analysis focuses on time, content, and similarity. Results of the cross-platform analysis confirm the evidence of a permanent campaign mode of the two leaders and point to four main results: a cross-platform similarity of the communication, the difference in audience engagement, the relevance of de-politicized political communication, and the higher audience engagement when communication focus on positive rather than aggressive content.

Author Biographies

Enzo Loner, Università degli Studi di Trento

Enzo Loner is a research assistant at the University of Trento (Italy). His research interests include political sociology, public opinion, environmental behavior, new technologies, and science and society. He has recently used big data and quantitative text analysis methods to study political communication and other topics, such as science communication and perception, and the debate on COVID-19 on social media. He is the author of many communications to conferences; his work has been published in international journals such as New Media & Society, PLoS, Social Politics, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, Quality & Quantity, and European Journal of Sociology.

Alberta Giorgi, Università di Bergamo

Alberta Giorgi is a Senior assistant professor in the sociology of cultural and communication processes at the University of Bergamo. Currently, Alberta is the chair of the Research Network Political Sociology of the European Sociological Association. Her work explores boundaries and classifications, especially at the intersection of politics, gender, and religion. Among her recent works: Populism and Science, with H. Eslen Ziya (eds., Palgrave 2022); Populism, Religion, and Gender, with C. Norocel (eds., Identities – special issue, 2022); Religion, Populism, Gender in the EU Mediterranean, with J. Garraio and T. Toldy (eds., Routledge 2023).

Carlo Berti, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Communication Studies, Universitat Rovira i Virgili. His current research focuses on populism and anti-populism in the European Union and the relationship between journalism and populism. His work has been published in international journals such as Journalism Studies, Media Culture & Society, and New Media & Society. He is co-editor (with Carlo Ruzza and Paolo Cossarini) of The Impact of Populism on European Institutions and Civil Society (Palgrave, 2021).



How to Cite

Loner, E., Giorgi, A., & Berti, C. (2024). Politics and Social Media: A Cross-Platform Analysis of Right Populist Leaders Communication in Italy: A comparative analysis of social media campaigning by Italian populist radical right leaders. Mediascapes Journal, 23(1), 84–108. Retrieved from https://rosa.uniroma1.it/rosa03/mediascapes/article/view/18706