Carne y Arena. Agency and Displacement of the Interactor in a Border Crossing VR Documentary Experience
border, inter-actor, virtual realityAbstract
Upon applying the idea of “border as a method” (Mezzadra and Nielsen, 2013) as an epistemic viewpoint, to the VR project of migrants’ border crossing Carne y Arena, which was created by award winning director Alejandro Iñárritu in 2018, I would like to critically discuss the idea of positioning and of “displacement” of the “interactor” (Gaudenzi, 2019) within this experience. Shifting from subjective to objective displacement within the experience itself, working within the “syncretic space” of VR and on the ambiguity of sensory immersion and dissociation, Carne y Arena activates a series of reflections on “subjectivation and displacement” (Revel, 2013) connected to the positioning of the “inter-actor” and the extent to which the agency offered can actually be fully performed within this hybrid experience, situated on the verge between documentary, interactive storytelling and installation art. What I would like to discuss here is what kind of freedom and power to make decisions is actually allowed to the user and what is the appropriate framework we need to employ in order to discuss it.
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