Critical reflecting on the meaning of bottom-up urban practices for authentic inclusivity: the case of San Berillo in Catania


  • Carla Barbanti Università di Catania



grassroots urban regeneration, marginalized neighborhood, historic center


This paper addresses the debate on inclusive grassroot urban regeneration, and it aims to contribute by offering critical insights into how some specificities of context can limit the effectiveness of the action processes from below. In particular, through her experience in the San Berillo neighborhood in the historic center of the city of Catania, the author intends to focus on those central suburbs characterized by ‘structural marginality’, the need of invisibility of some inhabitants, the coexistence of different subjectivities, and therefore ‘multiple grassroots’, often conflicting and a strong institutional weakness. In order to enrich the debate, and to propose ideas for reflection on the construction of public policies, this article explores these specificities of context and highlights how in neighborhoods characterized by substantial socio-spatial inequalities and institutional weakness, the grassroot regeneration struggles to promote inclusive processes.


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How to Cite

Barbanti, C. (2022). Critical reflecting on the meaning of bottom-up urban practices for authentic inclusivity: the case of San Berillo in Catania. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 8(12).