Spatialising the transition as a social, technical and ecologic process:The ‘Green Crown’ case, East of Rome


  • Luca Brignone Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
  • Stefano Simoncini Ricercatore



socio-ecological networks, socio-technical systems, ecological transition


Various approaches to the green transition converge on the need to define sustainability at the local level, focusing on transformative actions driven by bottom-up initiatives that are both confrontational and cooperative. The argument is that this process can result from a multiscalar perspective that combines green and digital transition. The reflections presented in this contribution stem from action-research that advocates for the use of ‘civic technologies’ to empower existing social networks to engage in co-creation processes that enhance urban ecological networks. This, in turn, leads to a radical shift in the local development model. It follows that only a process of social ‘defragmentation’ can lead to ecological ‘defragmentation,’ and this can only occur through a bottom-up reconfiguration, facilitated by new technologies, in relational, settlement, and production patterns.

Author Biographies

Luca Brignone, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"

He is an engineer for the Environment and Territory and PhD in "Urban Planning Technique". Today he is Research Fellow at the DICEA of the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Since March 2023 he has been Lecturer of the "Policies and Action for Climate Change Mitigation" course at the master's degree in Environmental and Territorial Engineering of the same university. He deals with the issues of integrated urban regeneration and self-sustainable local development with territories, with particular attention to peripheral contexts. He conducts research-actions in the Roman suburbs as part of the Third University Mission initiative, also in relation to environmental and ecological issues.

Stefano Simoncini, Ricercatore

He is carrying out his second year as a Research Fellow at the DICEA (Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering) of the University of Rome "La Sapienza". Also at DICEA he obtained a PhD in "Urban planning technique" in 2017, and subsequently carried out two research grants at the Department of Biosciences and Territory of the University of Molise (2017-2018 and 2020-2021). His research interests concern the impacts of ICT in local systems, and in particular the social values of the various forms of digital mediation in urban transformation processes, in local governance and in the relationships between society, the environment and territorial heritage.


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How to Cite

Brignone, L., & Simoncini, S. (2023). Spatialising the transition as a social, technical and ecologic process:The ‘Green Crown’ case, East of Rome. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 10(14), 141–160.