Unreleased connections. Multilocality and new urban and territorial practices





multi-locality, practice, connections


In the context of the continuous reconfiguration of socio-spatial relations and ways of observing them, it is possible to recognize how everyday practices, understood both as time-space routines and as irregular mobilities, draw territories that constantly transcend given boundaries (of neighbourhoods, cities, regions, states...), connecting even very distant places, stages of multi-local life paths, to which new meanings are attributed. Within this framework, the contribution proposes a reflection on the activation of places through 'unrealesed connections' between practices, which are created through the mixing of long and short networks, with reference to two cases in the central Veneto region, that are particularly significant from the point of view of the centre/periphery and urban/rural relations.


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How to Cite

Tedesco, C. (2024). Unreleased connections. Multilocality and new urban and territorial practices. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 11(15). https://doi.org/10.13133/2532-6562/18688