An urban governance experiment to territorialize climate policies. The role of civic spaces such as Case di Quartiere in Bologna
participation, climate change, governanceAbstract
Although cities condense many processes that contribute to climate change, they also possess the sociocultural capital needed to achieve new and alternative socio-ecological configurations to those currently existing. Based on this premise, this article investigates the potential role played by intermediary spaces, understood as places of experimentation and collective learning where citizens and public institutions can interact and build coalitions beyond the binary dynamic of consensus-conflict. The analysis focuses on the city of Bologna, particularly examining the network of public spaces known as Case di Quartiere (CdQ) and their relationship with local participatory governance and the numerous initiatives dealing with environmental and climate issues. The results, obtained during an ongoing collaboration between the Municipality of Bologna, the Fondazione Innovazione Urbana, and the University of Florence, highlight the need to overcome the alleged post-political nature of environmental issues and to embed, hence territorialise, the response to these urgent challenges. In this sense, CdQs can play a leading role, insofar as they become arenas where institutional and non-institutional actors can converge and, above all, diverge.
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