Il cinema nel periodico a fumetti Topolino

(Nerbini, 1932-1935)


  • Massimo Bonura Ricercatore indipendente

Parole chiave:

popular culture, comics, Cinema, periodical studies, film studies


This essay analyzes the cinematographic references of the Italian publication Topolino, published by Nerbini (1932-1935). The article uses an historical methodology, capable of describing objects that are slippery and hard to define, attempting to evaluate their impact on cinema as well as on the Italian economy and cultural industry. The article proposes a map of the film references present in Topolino (Nerbini). These references are found in the columns and in the short comics of this magazine. Under Nerbini’s publication, Topolino, has a lot of transmedial mechanisms – likewise featured in other periodicals published by Nerbini (for example Il piccolo cinematografo presenta, 1923). This case study is very relevant as Topolino is an important illustrated magazine within the context of Italian publishing. The interconnection between cinema and comics here is predominant because the Disney character Mickey Mouse is perceived first and foremost as a film star, only secondarily a hero of the comic-book. This essay begins with a methodological introduction. This is followed by a section that analyzes the intermediality of Mickey Mouse and his connections with the eponymous magazine and subsequently two further sections concerning the metatextual and cinematographic references present in the columns and comics, before the essay’s conclusion.

Biografia autore

Massimo Bonura, Ricercatore indipendente

Massimo Bonura (Palermo, 1994) è dottore di ricerca in “Medium e Medialità” (Università Telematica eCampus). Tra le sue pubblicazioni si segnalano Cinema, vignette e baionette (Palermo University Press, 2020), Verga e i mass media (Palermo University Press, 2021), Dimensioni cinefumettistiche (Edizioni Ex Libris-Nova Media Comunicazione, 2022; contrib. di F.F. Montalbano) e Avventurieri e donzelle coraggiose (Palermo University Press, 2024).




Come citare

Bonura, M. (2024). Il cinema nel periodico a fumetti Topolino : (Nerbini, 1932-1935). Mediascapes Journal, 24(2), 207–223. Recuperato da