Do not blame me for who I don’t believe I am!

The blurred border between eco-influactivism and science communication


  • Anna Baratin Università degli Studi di Padova
  • Francesca Setiffi Università degli Studi di Padova


eco-influencer, ; eco-influactivists, science communicators, eco-narratives, sustainability


This article explores the motivations, beliefs, and careers of a qualitative sample of 20 online communicators. The self-categorization of being or not being an activist and the analysis of the biographical interviews suggests that we can categorize their communication into two specific ideal types: eco-influactivists and science communicators. While the first present themselves and create narratives that can be related to lifestyle activism, the second group explicitly indicates their need to be recognized as “scientists” and not activists or politicians.


Author Biographies

Anna Baratin, Università degli Studi di Padova

Anna Baratin is a Ph. D. student in the social sciences at the University of Padova (Italy). Her thesis analyzes the narratives of sustainability through a comparison between public institutions, businesses, and young people.

Francesca Setiffi, Università degli Studi di Padova

Francesca Setiffi is an associate professor of sociology in the FISPPA Department at the University of Padova (Italy). Her recent publications include “Wellness, Social Policy and Public Health: Bridging Human Flourishing with Equity” (with A. Maturo, Emerald, 2022).



How to Cite

Baratin, A., & Setiffi, F. (2024). Do not blame me for who I don’t believe I am! : The blurred border between eco-influactivism and science communication. Mediascapes Journal, 24(2), 114–133. Retrieved from