For an institutional-organizational approach to the interpretation of the relationship between institutions and civil society: reflections from the ERP neighborhoods of Catania
instituting thought, ERP, organized civic mobilitazionAbstract
The disciplinary debate has most definitely moved beyond the exclusivity of institutional responsibility over spatial planning, and it is focused on the relationship between public entities and the so-called civil society. This article contributes to this broad discussion from a specific theoretical perspective that we define as institutional-organizational. This approach integrates the instituting thought of philosopher Roberto Esposito, who reflects on the capacity of collective actors to represent and address individuals' needs over time, with theories and practices of organized civic mobilization inspired by North American organizing. We apply this perspective to analyze two cases of civic self-organization in public housing neighborhoods in Catania, highlighting the importance of the specific organizational forms and tools each civic group has chosen to employ. We suggest that an organization’s ability to function as an instituting force – capable of gathering, formalizing, and consistently representing diverse individual experiences over time – may largely depend on these choices.
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