Figure eretiche e conflitti socioculturali ne "Il nome della rosa", fra serie tv e romanzo


  • Federico Montanari Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia


Socio-semiotics, Tv Series, Transmedia storytelling, Heresies, Middle Ages


The intention of this article is to analyze and discuss, from a socio-semiotic and media theory point of view, some emerging narratives and discursive figures, starting from the novel by Eco (1980), from its film adaptation (1986), but above all to get to the new Tv series (2019). We will discuss the "figure of the heretic", also considering the scientific and general interest that this multiple image has always aroused, of course, also starting from the studies on the Middle Ages. We will consider some characters, as they are built within the novel of Eco, trying to see how they reticulate above all in the adaptation to a television series, with the aim of understanding their genesis and the transformation of those figures and their discursive devices (as well as ideological and axiological one). And also providing a broader reference to the recent panorama of media and Tv studies, applied to digital media and social media; but also trying to evaluate the "subtextual" network and the textual archipelago (like historical references, both medieval and contemporary) created by Eco. Finally considering it as a starting point for a possible reasoning on the "palimpsestual" forms of current media phenomena, including social media and cross- and trans-media narrative practices.

Author Biography

Federico Montanari, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Federico Montanari, dottore di ricerca, è professore associato, presso l’Università di Modena-­Reggio Emilia, di Sociologia dei Processi culturali e comunicativi, dopo avere insegnato in diverse altre università, come il Politecnico di Milano, l’Università di Bologna, ISIA, Iulm Milano, e dopo essere stato visiting scholar presso l’Università della California, San Diego. Si occupa di analisi socio­semiotica applicata alle situazioni di guerra e di conflitto, allo studio degli spazi urbani e delle tecnologie, anche in rapporto agli studi culturali e media studies. Lavora inoltre sulla filosofia del post­strutturalismo. Su questi temi ha scritto diversi libri e articoli, fra i quali: La forma mediale e seriale della guerra e dei conflitti (2019); Immagini coinvolte (2016); Morphogenesis and Individuation (2014, con A. Sarti e F. Galofaro); Actants, Actors, and Combat Units. The problem of conflict revisited: a semio­cultural viewpoint (2012)



How to Cite

Montanari, F. (2020). Figure eretiche e conflitti socioculturali ne "Il nome della rosa", fra serie tv e romanzo. Mediascapes Journal, (16), 74–89. Retrieved from