La trasposizione videoludica del fumetto di Diabolik ed Eva Kant fra tradizione e innovazione narrativa


  • Emiliano Chirchiano
  • Alberto Maria De Mascellis


videogames, fumetti, transmedia storytelling, narratologia


Facilitated by digital technologies (Jenkins, 2014), the video game industry has seen an increasing expansion and convergence between different media. This process has allowed for the adaptation of comics such as Diabolik and Eva Kant into video games, films and television series. The serial form of Diabolik, in its Simulmondo series (1992-1993) in particular, offers an opportunity to study narrative dynamics in the transition between media. The theories of translation and transposition by Lefevere (1992) and of video game narratology by Juul (2005) are useful in this context. The Diabolik games rival Triple-A titles in terms of “scenario” structure and antihero philosophy (Bostic, 2006; Spicer, 2011), sometimes surpassing them in addressing political and social issues (Brancato, 2009). Our analysis will focus on the relationship between the comics and the videogame, exploring the challenges and opportunities of transposition, thus shedding light on the adaptation of an icon such as Diabolik in the videogame context.



How to Cite

Chirchiano, E., & De Mascellis, A. M. (2023). La trasposizione videoludica del fumetto di Diabolik ed Eva Kant fra tradizione e innovazione narrativa. Mediascapes Journal, 21(1), 108–117. Retrieved from