About the Journal

Tracce Urbane is a new journal of urban studies addressed to Italian and international scholars engaged in understanding and narrating cities and committed to urban analysis and planning.

The journal aims at creating a space for interdisciplinary study and debate on cities, focusing on topics such as peripheries, public space, differences, urban representations, practices of reappropriation/regeneration, urban policies, dwelling, new urban conflicts, cultural production, economic inequalities in urban settings.

We invite scholars from across the social sciences to submit article proposals that engage with urban studies in their local and global dimensions, drawing on case studies from anywhere in the world.



Call for papers No.16 "Chi apprende da chi? Sguardi interdisciplinari tra "azione pubblica" e pratiche dal basso"


È online la call for papers "Chi apprende da chi? Sguardi interdisciplinari tra "azione pubblica" e pratiche dal basso". Al convegno, che si terrà a Venezia il 15-16 maggio, seguirà la pubblicazione del sedicesimo numero di Tracce Urbane.

Per proporre il proprio contributo è possibile inviare un abstract (massimo 800 parole), entro il 7 aprile 2024 (nuova deadline) a: tracceurbane.dicea@uniroma1.it e gioacchino.piras@uniroma1.it.
La call è consultabile a questo link:


Read more about Call for papers No.16 "Chi apprende da chi? Sguardi interdisciplinari tra "azione pubblica" e pratiche dal basso"

Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 14 (2023): Cities and Urbanism Beyond Growth. Ecological transition: where is it going? Ecology, economics, and urban planning between European Green Deal and Post-Growth paradigms
Sezione verticale di una piccola zolla / 2004 Disegno con penna nera Pigma Micron 0,05 su carta Letraset Cartridge - heavyweight da 270 g/m2 / 21,6 X 29,0 cm

Edited by Barbara Pizzo, Angela Barbanente, Silvio Cristiano

Published: 2023-12-31

Full Issue


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The updated list of referees that contributed to the publication of the previous issues is available in the Politics section, under "Peer Review Process".