About the Journal

Mediascapes Journal is an open access online journal published twice a year by Sapienza University committed to the advancement of media studies.

Born in 2013, Mediascapes Journal is a forward-thinking forum that explores communication and mass communication phenomena within a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. It emphasizes the publication of original investigations that increase theoretical and empirical advancements in fields of media studies.

Mediascapes Journal has two sections: a monographic section and a research section. The monographic section is composed of single essays written by scholars in order to discuss a single monographic theme; the research section publishes original works and special issues on the state-of-the art of media studies. The call for papers for the research section is always open. All articles are double blind-refereed.

Mediascapes Journal accepts contributions in Italian and English.


EDITOR: Giovanni Boccia Artieri


Casa Editrice Sapienza

ISSN: 2282-2542

E-mail: mediascapesjournal@gmail.com


Scientific journal of Sapienza University of Rome

registered at the Civil Tribunal of Rome (No. 256 of 30/10/2013)


Call for Papers - Influ-Activism: New Forms of Civic Engagement between Digital Activism and Influence Culture


Influ-Activism: New Forms of Civic Engagement between Digital Activism and Influence Culture

Edited by Maria Francesca Murru (Università degli Studi di Bergamo), Marco Pedroni (Università degli Studi di Ferrara), and Simone Tosoni (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)


This call for papers aims to explore the relationship between digital activism and influence culture, two themes that are increasingly central in the reflection of social sciences within the framework of contemporary platformization processes. While these two phenomena have been treated separately in the scientific debate so far, in recent years, two concurrent processes have blurred this distinction. On one hand, major "commercial" influencers have begun to take explicit stances on controversial public issues. On the other hand, an increasing number of creators have chosen controversial public issues as their main field of action, with the goal of promoting social change in areas such as intersectional feminism, sustainability, disability, and social justice, among others. This phenomenon, which we define as influ-activism, has sparked a debate in the field of digital activism, which is recognized for its ability to promote non-hegemonic narratives. At the same time, digital activism risks being conditioned by the neoliberal and commodifying logics of communication on social media.

Read more about Call for Papers - Influ-Activism: New Forms of Civic Engagement between Digital Activism and Influence Culture

Current Issue

Vol. 22 No. 2 (2023): Comics and the Invisibile
					View Vol. 22 No. 2 (2023): Comics and the Invisibile

Questo numero di Mediascapes Journal esplora il concetto di invisibilità nei fumetti. In che termini il fumetto può essere inteso come un'arte invisibile o, da una prospettiva molto diversa, come un'arte dell'invisibile? Come può essere uno strumento per raccontare storie e visualizzare idee che raramente trovano spazio nell'ecologia ordinaria dei media visivi? Quest'arte dell'invisibile è uno strumento per connettersi con altre dimensioni (mentale, psicologica, spirituale, ontologica)?
A partire dalla conferenza "Comics and the Invisible", tenutasi a Venezia nel 2022 e il progetto "Invisible Lines" finanziato dall'Unione Europea, che mira a promuovere la produzione, la circolazione e l'internazionalizzazione di fumetti, graphic novel e illustrazione, si è indagata la capacità dei fumetti di raccontare storie e visualizzare idee al di fuori dei canoni tradizionali dei media audiovisivi.

Published: 2024-02-08
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